War Movies

The Tragic Ten, Episode 4


Horrible mass murder, perpetrated with cannons, of which are morally, legally and historically responsible Felix Diaz, Guasque, Huerta, Mondragon and each and every one who manned the artillery on either side, the rebellious one and the one who feigned being governmentalist, when it was actually treacherous.

Hearts at War


Set on the eve of World War 2, Jimmy and Evelyn meet and fall in love. As time passes Jimmy and best friend Rupert are conscripted to fight. Leaving their partners (Evelyn and best friend Lizzie) on the Home Front. As the years pass Evelyn joins the Land Army and tries to carry on, wondering if Jimmy and Rupert will return home. Jimmy is deeply affected by his experiences and is traumatised, struggling to return to normality. Will Evelyn and Jimmy fall apart or pull together in an uncertain and changing world?





Attack!! Gang Army


The relationship between Japan and Keros became tense due to the conflict between the salmon and trout fishing grounds in the north. The government tried to survive by offering the Northern Territories to Keros, who gathered the Keros faction elements in the corps in the central mountains and aimed to invade at once, but the defense agency executive who was dissatisfied with this kept secret to the police officer Lieutenant Ando. I ordered you to subdue. Then, dozens of daredevils, including Mitsuharu Hanai, who joined the army for some reason, gathered and trained in excellent commands. Hard training continued every day, and finally the sortie order came down.

The Life Of Gorislav Chuzhdozemniy


An experimental feature film, shot by a team of artists from Moscow and Saint Petersburg without any institutional or production support. Gloomy but not entirely devoid of comedy, it represents a rather amusing mixture of slapstick, early avantgarde, Švankmajer-esque animation and Leningrad Necrorealism. At the heart of it is the life story of a depersonalised hermit who has been thrown out of historical time and is stuck in a looped timelessness. This is the story of a solitary war, fought simultaneously in external and internal territories, while blurring the boundaries between them in the dreams and reveries of a madman.

Altitude 71


War never changes

Great Escape: The Final Secrets


How a covert US Military operation fooled the Germans to help 73 prisoners of war escape in one of World War 2s greatest untold stories.

1914 Invasion of Belgium


The small Belgian army held up the German advance, the British Expeditionary Force fought its first battle and the invincible German army was brought to a standstill in Belgium. This film traces that first month, the battles of Liège, Antwerp and Mons. In reconstruction it uses the words of those who took part and looks at the remains of the battlefields and the fortifications that still exist.

The Army-Navy Screen Magazine: Japanese Americans


During World War II, Japanese Americans were forced to live under guard at several camps because of racist fears.