War Movies



A sailor sets out to lose his virginity on shore leave from the Navy.



Ukraine, 1919. Bolshevik counter-intelligence agents work to stop an uprising by White Russian nationalist-monarchist counterrevolutionaries. A young countess finds herself caught between her family and class allegiance and burgeoning Communist sympathies inflamed by a chance meeting with a handsome young Ukrainian chekist. The movie was filmed in Soviet Ukraine at the Alexander Dovzhenko Film Studio in 1982.





The Second World War is a black page in the history of the Belgian national railways. The company was taken over by the German occupiers and 'trains of death' transported victims of the Nazi regime to concentration camps. In this documentary from 1945 filmmaker Jacques Kupissonoff reconstructs the activities of 'Group G' that specialized in the sabotage of the railway network during the Second World War. The film includes exclusive images of wrecked railway infrastructure.

Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 681/40/1943


News of the Week: German Troops Capture Rome; Heavy Fighting at Allied Beachhead at Salerno; Mussolini Rescued in Abruzzi Mountains; SS Captain Skorzeny Shown With Mussolini.

Christmas at the Front


Poignant scenes of Allied troops enjoying their Yuletide rations at the first Christmas of WWI.

It's Over


It's Over


France at the end of the Second World War; orphans and dispossessed Jewish children are being hidden in a French convent. But is it over?

The Sun Shall Not Strike Them


A man comes to terms with his faith during a nuclear holocaust

Deux Semaines De Juin


June 10, 1940 on the Franco-Italian front line; Anguish, expectation, and doubt over what to do with the fight weighed on Sergeant MARTIN and his unit. Would the conflict not also relate to the soldier's sense of duty and the conscience of each man?

VE Day: The Lost Films


Eyewitness accounts and cine films from 1945.

The Ruins of Raqqa


For four long years, Islamic State ruled its 'caliphate' from the city of Raqqa. Now freed from IS' brutal dictatorship, survivors emerge and return to a city utterly destroyed by war. Can Raqqa be rebuilt?

From Italy to D-Day


A short documentary made for the British government covering the Allied war effort in Europe in the year leading up to D-Day. Part of a series that continues to V-E Day.

Nazi Secret Weapons


Just prior to the end of World War II, the German military secretly undertook a massive push to design miracle weapons - colossal tanks, the world's first guided missiles, and high-speed jets that could attack New York. Now, nearly 60 years later, a team of experts examines the original blueprints to determine if these so-called "Wunderwaffen," or "wonder weapons," could have changed the outcome of the war. One of Adolf Hitler's most top secret bombs: The Fritz X grandfather of the modern smart bomb. Prototype testing revealed that the success rate with this radio-guided bomb was over 80 times higher than with conventional free-falling bombs of the time. In every documented case the destructive power of the Fritz X proved so strong that it would completely rip through any battleship it hit. It would never explode while still inside the ship, but on exiting or in the water.





What does absence mean to you? From this question, Emina Suljovic, a Bosnian hematologist, shares the first thought that comes to her mind to create a mental map that reveals both herself and the relationship she has with Sarajevo, her native city. In short, Rerun is an internal dialogue carried out through the memories and reflections of Emina, who works with terminal patients, who grew up in the midst of the Sarajevo war between 1992-1995 and who devoutly practices the Muslim religion in a contemporary world. All this in the same way that we repeat a past event in our minds.

Post Master 71


The film is about a post master named Arif who serves the Pakistani government during the Liberation War. However covertly he recruits young aspiring fighters to fight with Freedom Fighters. But his identity is revealed by a local Pakistani agent and soon the Pak troops converge on him